Welcome to Unicorn Growth Strategies

🦄 Welcome to Unicorn Growth Strategies!

Your weekly newsletter to learn how to grow your startup faster and more profitably.

The goal of this newsletter is to help you scale your business

My name is Brian Bourque.

Before we get started:

Please take 47 seconds to complete this survey. This will help me write better content that serves your needs.

About Me

Seven years ago I joined the personal finance startup SmartAsset. We launched a lead generation business and have grown from $0 to over $100M in annual revenue, and achieved “unicorn” status. As the consumer marketing leader, I've learned a lot.

I am confident that my experiences can help you. 

Similarly, I am continuously learning from other entrepreneurs and will share those learnings with you.

What to Expect from Unicorn Growth Strategies

Every Saturday morning you'll receive either:

📗  A growth playbook or essay inspired by my own experience, or

👷  Actionable takeaways from talks with founders and growth leaders

Some of the topics we'll cover:

  • Testing minimum viable products

  • Paid acquisition

  • SEO

  • Product-led growth

  • Management

  • Conversion rate optimization

  • User onboarding

  • Email marketing

Here are 3 of my favorite issues so far:

If there's a startup or growth topic you want to learn more about, just hit reply and let me know.

If you have a compelling growth story you'd like to share with over 6,000 founders and marketers, let me know.

More soon,
