Curiosity as a Growth Strategy

A guiding principle behind exceptional results

Happy Saturday to all of 8,999 you.

Warm welcome to the 100+ new unicorns and builders who’ve subscribed in the past week.

I’m heads-down coding my first full-blown app and getting ready for a trip with my family to Key West 🌴.

Today is going to be brief but useful.

The premise of this newsletter has always been: what growth strategies can you use to grow your business?

Today I want to highlight the ultimate growth lever: curiosity.

Curiosity is a superpower.

If you’re not obsessed with a desire to master something, you won’t be as good as someone who is.

We learn better when we’re okay with not understanding, and when our goal is not the task.

🦄 Rank Higher on Google 🦄

My curiosity has led me to build a new tool for businesses and marketers that want to rank higher on Google.

This simple tool will help 90% of people produce better content instantly.

The way it works is simple:

  • Enter your target keyword

  • In under 60 seconds it analyzes what Google thinks is great content for the keyword you’re targeting (1st page of SERPs) and

  • Uses AI to produce a content outline that’s better than the articles that currently rank

Simply generate a few outlines that you like and share them with your writers.

This is just the first of many tools I’m building for the Unicorn Growth audience.

Get lifetime access when you pre-order now for only $49:

Need to Know (A.I. & Marketing)

🦄 Here’s a Cool use of GPT from Tony Hill on Twitter to “steal” featured snippets in Google’s SERPs.

🦄 Sam Altman, founder of OpenAI and former Y-Combinator President, gave a fascinating interview with Lex Friedman to discuss AI, SVB collapse, how to succeed & more.

🦄 The FTC issued a warning to companies to keep their AI claims in check to avoid overstating the role of artificial intelligence in marketing.

🦄 Prevent ChatGPT plugins from accessing your site by blocking the ChatGPT-User via robots.txt.

🦄 The quality of AI-generated photos is startlingly good in this carousel of fictional selfies from different historical eras. Endless creative possibilities.

Curiosity as a Prerequisite of Growth

People often ask me how to be successful or how to grow a startup or how to become a good marketer.

The only guiding principle I’ve had is that I’ve followed my curiosity.

What’s bizarre about life is that most people aren’t actually that curious. They just want to get by.

But the only way to get exceptional results is to be the exception:

Be the one who digs deeper, who tries harder, who looks further.

When I was 25 I moved 5,000 miles away to a country where I knew nobody, because I wanted to know what it was like to live abroad.

I got into digital marketing because I was curious how the internet worked.

I was writing music at the time and wanted to build a site for musicians.

I became more interested in how the web worked than how the music industry worked.

Conversely, there are certain areas of marketing that don’t interest me.

If I had to work on them, I would do a shitty job because of it. So I avoid them.

My interest now is in using technology to grow businesses and improve people’s lives.

Respond to this email and let me know - What drives you?

This is the 22nd edition of the newsletter I said I didn’t want to start a year ago but am so glad I did.


Welcome to some new members of the unicorn community!

Patrick Holman, founder of ThreadLive

Cheikh Elkarachi, CEO from RIM FOAM

Yash Chaudhary, who’s working on Brightso

✨ That’s it for today! 🦄

Stay curious.


PS - next Saturday I’m dropping something cool and free for every subscriber. If you use Twitter you’ll appreciate it.

Recommended reading (if you subscribed recently):